Trends of the Men's Funny T-Shirts Evolve Over the Years in the USA

How Do Men's Funny T-Shirts Evolve Over the Years in the USA
It was used as an undershirt.
In the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, t-shirts got to experience their evolution.
Whether it’s a monochrome t-shirt or men’s funny t-shirts, they are now at the center of American fashion.
Let’s learn how t-shirts reserve a permanent place in the culture and fashion of the USA.
How T-Shirts Were Actually Worn Back Then
T-shirts have actually been worn as an undergarment. This factor was, however, unofficial. It was fully manufactured in the official sense during the war between the USA and Spain.
The war happened in 1898 and 1913. The USA, at this time, manufactured t-shirts as official undergarments for the navy. These were not colorful, or designed. They were simply plain white T-shirts to wear under the main garment.
But that’s not all of them.
Labors used to wear these t-shirts to keep themselves cool at work. Just by the look of it, you can tell a T-shirt is breathable. In a way, the t-shirts have a good history with laborers and workers as well just as a pair of jeans was with the miners.
How the Pop Culture Brought the T-Shirt into More Light
T-shirts came in public appearance of course through culture. The USA is the land of pop culture and it did bring the t-shirt into reality.
Of course, they have not been men’s funny graphic t-shirts like the ones we have today. But they served a purpose.
These t-shirts at that time would have made these productions extra enjoyable.
It was in the production of A Streetcar Named Desire in 1950, Marlon Brando played the role of Stanley Kowalski wearing a t-shirt. If you know or learn about the character of Stanley, you’d agree a t-shirt looks good on him.
Next, with the production of Rebel Without a Cause in 1955, ‘James Dean was the next one to wear a t-shirt.
Both of them looked good in this apparel which helped them stay true to the characters.
What Are Men’s Funny T-Shirts?
Can we call this apparel option men’s t-shirts with funny sayings?
Of course!
However, a funny t-shirt may have any sort of design from letters to specially typographed quotations, and more. You can add images or even photographs on a t-shirt.
If we speak of custom-printed funny t-shirts, then we usually add a graphic design to the shirts bearing images, letters, or a combination of both. The content printed on the shirts, if humorous by nature, helps create a funny t-shirt.
In simple words, you can call them men’s funny graphic t-shirts.
And yes, you can custom design and buy them online.
How Printed T-Shirts Made Way through History
Printed t-shirts mean a lot to people who actually want to explore fashion to the fullest. Today’s printed t-shirts can be custom-made as well. If you have a design in mind, or you may have it illustrated, then you can get the finalized product, just as you have required it.
However, the story of printed T-shirts was not this way before. It was in the 1950s, did the first design of the printed T-shirt came into existence.
This factor has a political essence to it.
People would go with a message that is shown effectively. Thomas E. Dewey, a candidate for the presidential election, made the first printed t-shirt to help unify the people towards one cause.
This T-shirt had a loose portrait of Dewey with a creative headline: “Dew-It-with Dewey”
This campaign created awareness and brought together people with common interests. Although Dewey lost that election, he presented us with the first specimen of printed t-shirts, which will dominate the market of fashion not only in America but also in the rest of the world.
How Printed T-Shirts Have Been Popularized
Printed t-shirts have been popularized in the pop culture era. As fashion rose from the 1960s to the 1980s, with the expansion of the celebrity world, more and more designers started appearing in the industry. This paved the way for printed graphic t-shirts to have their dedicated segment in the market.
It was at this time did the first t-shirt printing company came into existence. Named Tropix Togs, it has been the first company to print Walt Disney’s characters on t-shirts. As a matter of fact, Tropix Togs had licenses to print these characters.
Conveying Messages through Printed T-Shirts
As mentioned earlier, printed t-shirts are designed not only for images but also for typography.
You can print text, and information, or solve a short mathematical calculation in a t-shirt. It all depends on what content you want in it.
Given the exposure of the t-shirt, it became a useful tool to convey messages at the time of the Vietnam War. Adding messages opened the gates to use the t-shirts as a medium for expressing any type of message to support a wide range of ideas and philosophies.
What Status Do the Funny T-Shirts Have Today?
Think of what the film industry is doing with it and you may understand how they can make anyone (or an organization) successful.
Printed funny t-shirts are designed to serve two different kinds of purposes. One, they entertain. And two, they share the right message through that entertainment.
You can all use these t-shirts to express a personal opinion, a common theme, or political humor. You are welcome to do so for as long as you do not offend.
However, you might need help to design them.
To Conclude
Imagining or drafting men’s t-shirts with funny quotes or texts is easy.
Producing them is what’s difficult.
This is why Silver Lake T-shirts exist. We print and deliver the t-shirt with the message just in the way you prefer. Our work is defined by what ‘precision’ means. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about quality.
Browse our t-shirt categories to check what we have in store for you.